Monday 21 June 2010

Why I started blogging

I thought I would do a little post about they I started blogging, simply because I have been doing it for a year and nine months and have never really written about why I chose to create a blog in the first place.

I initially started a blog due to my love of make up which was a bigger love than fashion at the time, I stumbled across a few blogs and then one night found fashion blogs which inspired me to create my own.

I had been a follower of a number of blogs for along time before I created FTF until one night I decided to just go for it and Following the Fashion was born on the 1st of August 2008!

I started doing mainly beauty related posts and looking at what some of my favourite celebrity's' were wearing before my confidence grew and I decided to do outfit posts and other fashion related posts.

From blogging, I think, my style and sense of fashion has evolved and change through being inspired by others and from gaining confidence. I guess my style has changed with age as well I was eighteen when i started out so obviously I have changed now that I am twenty.

Blogging has allowed me to make 'friends' - I put this in inverted commas as they aren't real friends that I have contact with in the other parts of my life but I have found that if I have a problem there is someone that is outwith your 'real' life that can give a fresh, unrelated view that can change your thoughts on the situation.

A year and a half on and blogging is the front runner in the race for being my favourite hobby. I enjoy it which makes it a lot easier to post regularly and it is a fun, friendly community. I love gaining inspiration from others' and seeing how they would wear pieces in different ways.

So that is the rambly reason behind my starting to blog! Tell me your stories, I would love to hear them.

I want to say thanks to my 181 followers. I appreciate it so much.

have a nice day x

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